Thursday, March 19, 2009

How to bring twins to Target

I'm sure you've all heard - twins are in!

How to take Twins to Target

First, make up mind very early that you reaaaaaaaaaally want to go to Target. Otherwise too easy to say, "oh we'll go tomorrow" Listen for telltale signs that wonderful twins are up from nap. Usually occurs in some form of screeching that is making the dog deaf. Get Baby A up. Change. Put Baby A on floor to play with toys causing Baby A to scream. Repeat with Baby B. Remind self of strong desire to go to Target.

Bring wonderful twins downstairs. Feed bottles. Babies like this. Screaming has stopped. Pack diaper bag. Dress babies in impossible to put on coats and shoes. Place Baby B in playpen. Bring Baby A to car. Start to strap into impossible car seat. Sniff. Of course. Poop. Unbuckle Baby A. Bring back upstairs. Take off impossible to put on shoes. Change. Put back on impossible shoes. Bring Baby A back to car and strap in. Try to distract Baby A from screaming by jangling few toys in face. Doesn't work.

Remember you were blessed with TWO babies. Retrieve Baby B from play pen. Sniff. You're no fool. Bring Baby B to car. Baby A still screeching. Sing annoying childrens' song. Strap Baby B in. Dig out binkie and plug babies. Car remarkably quiet. Proceed on wonderful trip to Target.

Nearly hit mailman pulling out of driveway. Smile and wave while wondering why said mailman cannot deliver mail to correct house. Seriously don't think it is that hard.

Arrive at Target - a glorious sight. Wrestle with double stroller. Babies laugh while you do this. Inform stroller that you have bought a better one that is arriving next week, so its days are numbered. Stroller decides to cooperate. Sorry stroller, too late. Strap Baby A in stroller. Car parked too close to cart corral. Cannot reach Baby B. Sigh. Crawl over Baby A's carseat to extract Baby B. Strap in stroller. Exclaim to babies "we're going to Target!!" Babies give look clearly saying "we don't give a flying rat's ass." Baby A pukes.

Enter Target. Hear the cries of "oh, look twins!" "how cute!" . Smile. Cause your babies really are that cute. Wander around target collecting things you didn't know you needed. Talk to babies while people look at you like you are a lunatic. Refrain from swearing at lady who stood in middle of aisle staring at you. No really, its ok. We didn't want to pass or anything. Give quizzical look to lady who asks "are they friends?" Um. Sure. I mean, I guess so? 8 months old people. Tell her they are twins. Get the classic "oh are you sure?" Yep. I was there. I mean, they only came out of my vagina. Pretty sure I know if they are twins or not.

Proceed to checkout. Wonder what you spent $100 on. Bring babies out to car and strap back in seats. Scream ensues. Sigh. Wonder if can go through Wendy's drive thru. Baby A screams louder. Resign self to eating more leftovers. Come home. Throw babies back in bed. Collapse on couch. Success!


  1. omg that's hilarious.. love it! Well done :)

  2. How funny!!

    I never understand how I've spend so much at Target.
